Contact WPD email at
or by phone, in person, by mail, or using online submission
When you need to let the department know of an ongoing issue, but there is not a need to file a police report for it
Need to Text 9-1-1?
Want to remain anonymous?
Contact WPD by phone, in person, by mail, or using online submission
Other Non-emergency Information to Report?
Call Dispatch
Is it an emergency?
Medical Emergency
_____How to Report a Crime to the Whiteland Police Department_____
Text 9-1-1
Crime in Progress
or thru
Crime is not currently in progress
CALL 9-1-1
Fighting crime is a partnership and the Whiteland Police Department values information received from the community.
Please submit the information online using the links above. You can also report information by coming in or calling the station during regular business hours, or by mail.
Please provide as many details as you can to support the information being reported.
The department asks for your contact information in case there is any follow up needed by the
department regarding the reported information. But you can choose to remain anonymous too.
Thank you for keeping Whiteland safe!
If this is an EMERGENCY please dial 911
Sending message:
Put 911 in the to: field
Put your emergency and your location in the message body
Do not attach or send pictures or videos
Keep your message short and do not use abbreviations
Please ensure that the information being reported to the WPD is for an area within our jurisdiction.
If it is for a location outside of the WPD jurisdiction, you will need to contact the department that has jurisdiction.
If you have ANY information on a crime you want to report
Situations where the safety of people or property are at risk
Text if you can't make a voice call, or if a voice call would put you in danger
Incidents of:
Identity Theft
Driving Complaint
Property Damage
Problem With
VIN Check
Abandoned Vehicle
Lost Property
Items like:
parking issues
disregarding stop signs
exceeding speed limits
overnight parking
Police are not needed immediately
If it's not an emergency